Helping Clients Solve Problems in Texas
“Strategic. Aggressive. Sophisticated.” These characteristics are often used to describe our attorneys at Siebman Law. Throughout the federal courts in the Eastern, Northern, Western and Southern Districts of Texas, Siebman Law has the experience, skills and credibility that you need to pursue and defend your interests. From the in-house counsel of large corporations to individuals and small business owners, our firm provides comprehensive advice covering a broad range of legal issues from offices in Sherman, Dallas, and Plano.

A Texas Intellectual Property and Business Trial Law Firm
Siebman Law focuses on working with national trial teams as well as local clients to provide a Texas perspective to help address their legal concerns. One of the most effective ways to manage risks and deal with the local rules, procedures and customs of Texas courts is to hire a team of lawyers versed in the local intricacies.

Local Focus
Our attorneys formed, served and provided leadership to the Eastern District of Texas Bar Association. Our team has represented Northeast Texas on the Board of Directors of the State Bar of Texas and served in leadership roles for the Inns of Court and the American Board of Trial Advocates. Our lawyers have been selected by local judges to serve on judicial committees to provide input to local courts regarding rules. Siebman Law attorneys have been involved with the Texas State Bar and the Dallas Bar Association and serve on committees involving ethics and professional standards compliance.
Courtroom Experience Cutting Across Broad Areas of Law
Whether the dispute involves allegations of patent infringement, trade secret theft, breach of contract or some important personal legal issue facing clients or their families, Siebman Law clients can be confident that our attorneys will be zealously, and ethically, standing up for them.